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Asaf Arvizu is the owner and creative director of Acehole Films.

Hello everyone! I am Asaf. (Ace-saff) I am the founder of Acehole Films. I am an actor, screenwriter, and filmmaker. I began acting when I was a freshman in high school, started writing when I was 20, and started making little films not too late after. I live with one of my good friends Tony, my girlfriend Cheyenne, and our cat Sophie.

I began Acehole Films because my friends and I always had great ideas for skits or little movies for us to just shoot, but we never would. This is the result from that. At first, I wanted to just make my own little skits and have people watch them, but then I began to watch and love Casey Neistat's movies. Through that I began to love film making all the more. I was 19 years old when I watched one of his "vlogs" and from there on I fell in love with Casey's art-form. He inspired me to actually do what I want to do and stop waiting, so that's just what I did. Now, here we are. 

Why Acehole? Isn't that a bit offensive? Only if you make it! I came up with the name because my nickname is Ace, and I had a friend back in high school who thought it was funny to give me the nickname from Ace Saph to Ace hole. I'm not actually an "A-HOLE". None of the team is. If they were, they wouldn't be working here, that's for sure!

Got questions? We have answers! Contact us here.

715-972-0996 / / 520 South Wisconsin Street, Elkhorn, WI 53121


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